Harry Potter Hogwarts Wizard’s Chess – Affordable Building Blocks

Harry Potter Hogwarts Wizard’s Chess
Free Gift

  • Sale
  • $71.90
  • Regular price $175.88

  • Harry Potter Hogwarts Wizard’s Chess combines an endlessly enjoyable board game with magical role play for fans of the popular movies.
  • This fascinating chess set provides young witches and wizards with 2 ways to play and stretch their imaginations.
  • Magical board game for Harry Potter fans This playable chess set is also a recreation of one of the most memorable scenes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
  • Be a chess witch or wizard Introduce kids to the wonderful game of chess.
  • Make your move! Measures over 10.5 in. (27 cm) square and 3 in.cm) high.
  • Golden Severus Snape Exclusive minifigure marks years Harry Potter. Also with buildable authentic chess set from the magical movie and 4 minifigures: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
  • A magical build-and-play experience. Any young witch wizard captivating Harry Potter Chess Set.
  • Authentic chess set from the magical movie With 32 buildable chess pieces and 4 minifigures: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and a golden Severus Snape.
  • 876 pieces.